Thursday, May 3, 2018

New Gmail Update

Maybe you heard on the news last week that there was an update to Gmail. This is the first significant update to Gmail since 2011, and it's pretty cool! To get started, all you have to do is click on the Settings cog and select "Try the New Gmail." Choose the Default view and voila! Your inbox will transform in front of your eyes!

Some of the features I personally love include the following:

  • Inline view of message attachments -- this means I don;t have to open an email to get to the attachment; I can directly open the attachment from the list of messages in my inbox.
  • Inline delete -- if there is an email I don't need, I can just move my mouse to the right edge of the message and click on the trash can to delete it.
  • Auto reply -- on some email messages, you may see some auto-reply choices: just click the response you want and then click send!
  • Calendar, Keep, and Tasks on the same page -- so handy to be able to have an email message open and right there in the same tab be able to open my calendar to add an event, Keep to make a note, or Tasks to add to my to-do list!
  • Snooze -- well, I love the IDEA of snoozing an email (essentially marking that email to come back and tug you on the metaphorical sleeve as a reminder to deal with that message); I say I love the idea because it is only available if you use Conversation View for your inbox (which I don't).
Try it out, see what you think! To help you, I found this great overview video put together by another Google for Education Certified Trainer. Watch it to see the new Gmail in action!