Tuesday, August 30, 2016

SAMR -- What Does THAT Mean?

This is taken from the email I sent on December 16, 2015. It provides a nice overview of what SAMR is in a short video as well as give you some guiding questions to see where you are in the SAMR process. The great thing is that it doesn't matter where you are as long as you keep trying new things and move from the S to the A to the M to the R as time goes on!


As we continue to move forward using technology in CSD 17, it's good to stop and check yourself -- where are you when it comes to using technology in your classroom? One way to think about this is by using the SAMR model. SAMR stands for


Here is a link to an overview of SAMR as well as a really excellent 120 second video explaining SAMR with examples:

Here are some questions to guide you through your own self-evaluation:
  • Where am I?
  • Where do I want to end up?
  • What do I already know?
  • What do I still need to learn?
  • What resources do I already have?
  • What resources do I need?
  • What roadblocks are in my way?
  • What can I figure out on my own?
  • What can I ask for help with from my colleagues?
  • What can I learn from the students in my classroom?
It is natural to go through a progression of stages when it comes to using technology in your classroom. Take advantage of every resource you can find and just take the plunge! Risk can be scary, but there is great reward in risk, too!

The SAMR model can help you feel comfortable taking risks to transform the way you teach and how your kids learn :-)

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