Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Do You Even Classroom???

One of the most exciting tools you and your students have access to now that we have "gone Google" is Google Classroom! This is kind of like a virtual classroom where everything you do in your actual classroom can be aggregated online. You can share announcements, share resources, hand out documents, have students hold discussions, create writing assignments, have kids work collaboratively or independently, and so much more -- all from their Chromebooks or other computers! Setting up Google Classroom is very easy for you and just as easy for your students to join your class! It might sound like a huge leap for you, but it's really not at all -- I promise! Feel free to poke around Google Classroom on your own if you feel adventurous! Or you can talk with some of your colleagues -- I'm betting someone right down the hall from you has their Google Classroom set up and rolling! Or you've got your friendly tech staff to help you out!

Here is a site I found that gathers a number of really excellent resources you can use to learn Google Classroom! Take a look and let me know if you think any of them are really exceptional and deserve extra attention!

And one more thing -- if you've got a few minutes to spare, can you answer these quick questions about Google Classroom in YOUR classroom?


  1. Hi Renee! On the link you provided one of my favorite parts was when Larry referenced Alice Keeler's website and materials. She is phenomenal and I highly recommend anyone interested check out her materials. One of my favorite tips from Alice Keeler is to number assignments as they are posted with a hashtag followed by three digits that way assignments which sound alike because they are about the same topic within the same unit and by doing so students can more easily be differentiate assignments so that they understand which assignment you want them to work on (i.e. #001, #002, etc. instead of verbal descriptions that sounds almost identical)

  2. I absolutely agree! Alice Keeler has great resources and I have learned so much from her just by following her on Twitter!
