Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Not If, but WHEN!

Has this ever happened to you:

You put together a really cool, engaging lesson for your kids. You've pulled together all sorts of resources for the lesson, you've got everything the kids will need -- handouts, online tools -- and you've booked all the tech items necessary. The kids arrive, eager to start the fun lesson you've promised them since last week, and then the whole thing implodes because of some tech issue: the wifi is slow, a projector blows a bulb, an app isn't working, or some other unforeseen problem occurs.


What do you do? Hopefully, you don't give up and decide that you'll just never use technology in your classroom ever again because you just have bad luck with it.

This is why when you plan lessons that involve using technology, you really need to ask yourself the question, "What will I do when I have a glitch?" not, "What will I do IF I have a glitch?"

If you always have a backup plan, glitches become a lot less worrisome. A lesson should not be a complete waste of time simply because one of the tools doesn't work; remember: the magic in an awesome lesson isn't the technology, it's the learning experience the kids get to have. The Chromebook or iPad app or YouTube video is just one tool.

So, when the tech fizzles, what should you do?

  • Stay calm and remember that this is not a reflection on your worth as an educator -- you're not a failure!
  • Try to fix the issue, but don't spend too much time doing this.
  • Move to your plan B (you DO have a plan B, right???).
  • Later, evaluate where the problem lies, then determine how to fix the problem. Get help from people who can help you (colleagues, building level technology specialists, network administrators, directors of 21st century learning, instructional technology resource teachers, Twitter, students).
  • Pick up where you left off tomorrow with the same amount of enthusiasm!
For more inspiration on what to do WHEN the technology fails you, check out this post (it's what inspired me to write this one!)

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