Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Cool Tool Alert -- Page Eraser

 Have you ever taken a screen shot of a web page but had to edit it because there was material on it that was inappropriate for students? Or have you ever projected a web page -- including a YouTube video -- that had inappropriate images, advertising, or language on it? This is the bane of many teachers' existence! None of us want to show things to our students that are not school appropriate! How can we do this easily, especially when we have no idea what surprising ads a web page holds for us?

Enter the Page Eraser Chrome Extension!

This Chrome extension allows you to click one time on the icon to turn the tool on, then simply click on any element on the web page you DON'T want displayed! And voila -- it's gone! Refreshing the page will bring back all erased elements! It's really that easy!

Check out the Page Eraser extension in action in the video below!