Thursday, March 17, 2022

Have You Used the Cool Tools?

 One of the recurring topics in my blog posts is the Cool Tool Alert. When I learn about a new tool that might be useful or fun for students and/or teachers, I like to share it! Sometimes people reach out to me about using the new tool; sometimes they try it out but don't tell me. Here is a list of the cool tools I have written about in my blog:

Have you tried even just one? If so, comment on this post -- let me know which tool you used and what you did with it! I've got this cool new sticker for anyone who comments!


  1. Not gonna lie, I have not heard of many of these. How embarrassing! Of the ones I have tried, I really liked Padlet for discussing the story/novel we were currently reading. The kiddos like to read the question, respond to the prompt, and respond to each other.

    1. Nothing to be embarrassed by! Nobody can use or try everything! I am glad you tried Padlet and liked it. It's a terrific little way to get them to interact with each other! P.S. You're named as Unknown, but if you tell me who you are I can send you a sticker!

  2. I haven't heard of quite a few of these! However, I love a new tool to engage students so I'm excited to try them!!

    1. I'm excited for you to try them, too! Please let me know if I can help you with any of them!

  3. I've used Flipgrid quite a bit this year! Most recently, my students recorded themselves in groups, discussing the parts of a food chain. Students were then required to view their classmates' videos and comment on three of them!

    1. Flipgrid is one of my favorites! I love the way they've expanded as well so kids can still express themselves even if they're not comfortable with their faces being on camera! P.S. You're named as Unknown, but if you tell me who you are I can send you a sticker!
